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May 31, 2014

Flash Fiction Challenge – Mirror Murders

Filed under: flash fiction challenge — Tags: , , — EileenAlphabet @ 10:12 am

This weeks Flash Fiction Challenge as always courtesy of Chuck Wendig. Randomness delivered unto me the title ‘Mirror Murders’, which was actually rather easy to work with, since I find mirrors creepy, especially when it’s after dark and I’m home alone. It also ties in nicely with an idea I have been kicking around with for a long time.


”Professor Crane?”

The woman sitting on the bench turned her head towards them. In the sharp spring sunlight, her eyes were little more than slits and yet Detective Walker felt her studying them, cataloguing them and filing her findings away for future reference. “Yes?”

“I’m Detective Walker and this is Detective Schuler.”

“Detectives? Really? For a moment there, I thought you were two of my students. I really must be getting old.”

Walker took a closer look at the woman. She was not unattractive, but dressed plainly and used no makeup. Her hair was blond with grey streaks that she had done nothing to cover up. It couldn’t have been easy, being a pretty, young, blond teacher in a place like this and she looked like she had been doing her best to hide it. Walker thought she could relate; as a Latino woman she was used to being judged by appearance.

“We wanted to talk to you, about the Mirror Murders ten years ago,” said Schuler and sat down next to Crane.

She didn’t look surprised, but she got an expression of distaste. “I would imagine that the police still has these places called archives. There you can find the testimony I gave a decade ago.”

“We have read it,” said Walker, sitting down next to Schuler so as not to close the woman in. “But we want to hear it from you in person.”

“I have nothing to add.”

“Professor, please …” began Schuler.

“Don’t,” snapped Crane. “If you know enough about that case to come see me, you also know that the only thing that came out of my testimony was that I was deemed crazy and had to spend six months in a psychiatric hospital, while my life fell apart around me. I lost my job, my fiancée.” She stopped herself. “Crazy or not, I have no other recollection of what happened that night, than what I said in my statement. I have nothing to add. Now, if you’ll excuse me.” She got up to leave.

“The murders have started again,” said Walker. This wasn’t exactly how she and Schuler had planned to deliver the news, but at least it made an impression.

Crane sat down again. “Are you absolutely sure?”

“Everything fits. How it seems to be a different killer for each victim, but with the same M.O. The scene of the crimes, locked from the inside. The victims found dead near a large mirror. Even details the were never released to the public.”

“Like how the killer in each case seems to be the same height and build as the victim?”

“Yeah,” said Schuler. “How did you know that?”

“I thought you said you’ve read my statement?”

“Professor Crane,” said Walker, “you are the only one who survived an attack back then. If this is the same killer or group of killers, they could be coming for you again.”

“Oh no. They’ve had their chance. If the same person still wants me dead, he or she will have to look for another way.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Because I killed my assailant back then.” She gave an impatient sigh. “Are you sure you’ve read my statement?”

“Do you have any idea, who could have wanted you dead?” asked Schuler.

“No, but that’s your job to figure out.” She got up again. “It could be the same person behind these new murders or it could be someone new, who has discovered the same method. Find what connects the victims and you’ll find who wants them dead. Simple as that.”

“Be that as it may,” said Walker, also getting up, “we would still like a statement from you.”

Crane looked at Walker for a rather long time; cold, grey eyes, that seemed to pierce her brain and read the thoughts written on the back of her skull. Walker wondered what it was like having her as a teacher and had a sudden, vivid mental image of a lecture hall full of students all frozen in their seats, too terrified to do anything but pay attention.

Finally Crane said: “Very well, if you insist. Let’s go to my office.”

About half an hour later, Walker got up from her chair. “Thank you for your time,” she said, while thinking exactly the opposite. Crane had really been serious when she had said that she didn’t have anything to add. In fact she had hardly changed a word, compared to the statement she had made ten years ago.

It still didn’t make any sense and there were no useful details. In essence, Crane had been attacked by her own reflection coming out of the mirror, but had managed to fend off and kill her attacker, who had then melted away to nothing. Walker had to ask herself, whether the attack had actually really taken place or if Crane had just imagined it, incorporating the details of the Mirror Murders, that had been known to the public.

Crane went with them out into the hallway. “I hope you find whoever is responsible for this,” she said. “But please, do not worry about me.” She stood as if she wanted to see them on their way, to make sure they really were going. Walker gave a curt nod, Schuler muttered something polite and the two detectives walked down the hallway past the ladies’ room.

“I’ll just be a minute,” said Walker and opened the door. The room had one of those huge mirrors that covered the whole wall above the sinks. Walker could see herself in it, naturally, and she could see Schuler and there was also part of the hallway and even the door to Crane’s office. And just as the restroom door closed behind Walker, she saw the door to Crane’s office open and close as if somebody had gone in. Somebody who had not been reflected in the mirror.

October 12, 2013

Flash Fiction Challenge: Horror In Three Sentences

Filed under: flash fiction challenge, Uncategorized — Tags: , , — EileenAlphabet @ 9:29 pm

This week’s Flash Fiction Challenge, courtesy of Chuck Wendig is ‘Horror in three sentences’. Which lends itself well to run-on sentences.

One day, he smiled at his mirror only to have his reflection not smile back. Maybe he could have smashed the mirror or maybe he could have run away, but he just stood, gaping, while his unsmiling counterpart reached out towards him and drew him in. Trapped in the cold void behind the glass, he screams unheard as the reflection walks around in his place, living his life, always smiling.

December 3, 2012

Flash Fiction Challenge: The Last 1000 Words Of An Non-Existent Novel

Filed under: flash fiction challenge — Tags: — EileenAlphabet @ 8:03 pm

[Author’s notes: Challenge courtesy of the always wonderful Chuck Wendig and can be found here. This is last chapter of a story, I am currently doing some brainstorming and outlining on. Basically it’s about the world and the people behind mirrors and how they attack the real world. This is how I think it’s going to end for two of my main characters (both real people], although I’ll try to make it more dramatic when the time comes. And, yeah, they don’t have names yet; I’m really bad at coming up with names.]

He looked at her wearily. He had aged in the last days – oh god, had it really only been days? “I have done everything you asked me,” he said. “I’ve fought for you, risked my life for you. Now we’ve won. There’s nothing more for you to ask of me. So tell me, have I earned your forgiveness or not? Because if not, then I don’t see how I ever could.”

Her blue eyes were as piercing as ever and he felt it as if she saw straight through him. “You’re wrong,” she said. “There’s one more thing you can do and that you’ll have to do, if you me to forgive you.”

He was confused. “Anything,” he muttered.

She turned and pointed at the mirror. “Go back in. Stay there when I close the gate.”

“You can’t ask me to … You’ve seen what the other side is like!”

“I can ask you to do anything I damn well please!” she yelled back.

“You’re not thinking clearly. You don’t mean it.”

“I’ve never meant anything more. The second worst day of my life was when you re-entered it. I don’t have to remind you which day was the worst, do I?”

He looked down, unable to meet her gaze. “Of course not.”

“I want to make sure that I will never meet you again. That no matter where I go, I never have to fear that I will look up and you’ll be there. I want you out of my life, forever. You should be happy I didn’t ask you to kill yourself.”

“It might have been kinder if you had,” he replied.

“Will you do it?” She tried to sound haughty, but there was a pleading note in her voice.

“I said I’d do anything, didn’t I? If this really is, what you want me to do, I’ll do it. I’m just worried that you might regret it later.”

“I won’t.” The anger seemed to have left her. Now she sounded as weary as he felt.

He stepped towards the mirror. Any hesitation might end with him loosing courage. “You just keep your end of the bargain and forgive me.”

“I will.” She made no move, but just watched him as he stepped up to the mirror. He looked out the window to get a last look at the stars. They were cold, distant and they seemed the only thing that hadn’t changed in the last few days.

He turned away from the window and towards the mirror. One more step and he would be through it.

He head a sound from behind, something like a scream that was muffled almost instantly. He spun around and saw her looking at him, She had a hand over her mouth and her eyes over it were big and frightened.

“I saw her,” she whispered.

He noticed that in her other hand she was clutching the small mirror.

“Of course,” he said slowly. “She died on the other side. Of course she would come back as soon as you looked into a mirror.” He smiled grimly. “Don’t worry. She can’t get out.”

“You don’t know that.” Both her hands dropped to hang limply at her side.

“You’re going to smash the mirror, the only gateway there is. Of course she won’t be able to get out.”

“But she’s so clever. She knows how the first mirror was build, she’ll make another or she’ll tell someone else and they’ll make it.”

“I’ll kill her before she gets the chance.”

“And the next time I pass a mirror, what then? Do you intend to kill her over and over and over again?”

“If I must.”

“It won’t work and you know it. I can’t always avoid mirrors and you can’t guard her at all times.”

“Then don’t stay away from mirrors. Always carry one with you, that way she’ll always be trapped.”

She smiled. A sad little smile. “No, I would be trapped. One night of darkness and she would be freed.”

“Then what is it you want me to do? Say it and I’ll do it, you know it.”

She stepped towards him. “Not you.” Another step. “Me.” Good god, she wasn’t walking towards him, she was walking towards the mirror.

He grabbed her hand. “Don’t. Don’t do it. We’ll find another way.”

“It has to be like this and you know it. It’s the only way to be sure.” She shook off his hand, not unkindly and smiled at him. “And this way, I still get what I want. A world without you in it.”

“I’m begging you …”

“Smash the mirror as soon as I’m through, and do it properly. Get rid of the pieces also, somewhere dark.” She took one careful step into the mirror, then another and its surface shimmered and closed behind her, like water closing over a diver.

Behind the mirror she turned to look at him and for a moment it seemed like his reflection was that of a young woman. She raised her hand, really in greeting this time and waved once. He waved back. Then she turned around and strode away from the mirror, towards the door in the end of the mirror room. He saw her open it and automatically turned to look at the door behind him, but that was still closed. When he turned back again, she was gone and the door in the mirror was closed as well. It could have been a completely ordinary reflection, of not for the fact that he was missing in it.

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